Worldwide42869 发表于 2022-10-20 16:35:22

That’s why an editor should know the difference between

When selecting an editor, the prospect is actually concerned about the intimate act of another person — a stranger — reviewing and revising her writing. She wants to know if she can trust the editor with her draft and if she’d like working with him. She’s less concerned about whether or not the editor knows the difference between “compliment” and “complement.” How do you get someone to trust you? Even though you may superficially provide the same product or service as your competitor, you choose to attract the exact right prospects for your own business. When you decide to not be boring, you step into your power as a creative content marketer — an artist who reveals himself to his audience and builds trust.

Like your favorite painter or musician. This philippines photo editor is the fun part. When you create a variety of content that helps your prospects with the issues they struggle with, the most important thing to remember is: Information does not equal content. If someone could find what you create on Wikipedia or your competitor’s blog, your content will not be the type that builds trust over time. The type that builds trust produces a valuable, entertaining experience for your audience member and has a clear, unique payoff. Your content is an opportunity for you to take knowledge you’ve acquired and supercharge it with your perspective. Then you’ll share your creations to reach the people who are attracted to your communication style.
The complete package Now, you do have to provide an outstanding product or service once a prospect accepts your offer.“compliment” and “complement.” All that trust you’ve built won’t help if you don’t fulfill your promise. But think about the powerhouse force that is in motion when you’ve built enough trust to make a sale — and then meet (or even exceed) your customer’s expectations? You’ve become the only reasonable choice for that person and made the competition irrelevant. And when you nurture your existing customer base, you’ll get testimonials to display on your website that further demonstrate your trustworthiness.

orlando 发表于 2022-10-20 16:35:22

感恩无私的分享与奉献 :)

北国高旻 发表于 2022-10-20 16:45:05


北风敏学 发表于 2022-10-20 17:00:07

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